Monday, August 26, 2013

The Basement Project Continues.

March of 2012 was the beginning of the infamous basement project.  I was 8 months pregnant with Malachi when the digging began.  Little did I know that 17 months later completion would be in sight.

With four growing boys a second bathroom, large living area, and laundry room will change our lives.    I can't even begin to express how happy it makes me to see things really coming together in our basement!  It is beautiful and so much more than I ever imagined.  And we get to call it our home.  

God has really been refining us throughout this whole project and we are still learning from it.  I always thought it was patience we were learning.  Obviously right?  Ha!  No, it was contentment.  Do I want to live in tight quarters with a family of six?  No.  But can I.... yes.  Does it matter that I had a disaster of a yard with mountains of dirt for months?  Not really, I can hardly remember what it looked like anymore (Well, maybe I can).  What my yard looks like and what people might be thinking can bug my earthly mind, but it is only a blip in the big picture.  God has given us the desire of our hearts and the wait and work has been a small sacrifice for the amount of comfort He will provide for our family.  God is so faithful.   

We have doors! The door on the left is the entrance to our utility room and 
the door on the right is to our second bathroom (Y'all can't see it, but I have a giddy smile on my face).

This picture definately does not do the window justice.  
It brings in so much awesome sunlight.  We can not wait to see the finished product!

 This is the entrance way into our Laundry room. 
 Notice the "blue spruce" finish on the floor.

Lots of tools in this picture and the ceiling and floor aren't quite finished,
 but I can see how beautiful it is going to look.  I love it!

Oh second bathroom, how I love you.  The floors turned out awesome (Thank you, Gabe), as well as the trim that really makes it look clean and fresh.  I still can't believe this is our bathroom!  
I do go down and stare at it, I must admit.  

I cannot thank Tyler, Gabe, and Dave (Also, wives and other volunteers) enough for all they have done and all the time they have sacrificed to give us the basement of our dreams and much appreciated extra space.  Thank You SO MUCH!  We will have y'all over many, many times to enjoy it with us. 
 Superbowl party, I'm thinking, is in the near future :) 

More pictures of the basement to come as we draw close to the finish!

Friday, August 16, 2013

My 1st Grader.

August 13th, 2013 was the first day of Jacob's 1st Grade year.  Not only do I have a kid in school, but he is a 1st Grader!  Hard to believe.  He has had a great experiance so far.  His teacher is perfect for him, Mrs Flueckiger.  She is very sweet and knew he needed a little disctraction to ease him back into the school routine (He is easily homesick).  She made him the class helper the very first day.  And so far, so good! 

I had every intention of taking a picture of my little school boy his first day of school, but that day came and was gone faster than I realized.  So, I got a picture of him on his fourth day of 1st grade :)

He's a Starfire and proud of it!

This is such a typical kid smile :D
 My Jakey.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day at the Zoo.

Our day at the Zoo was finally here.  We started out towards my parents house, picked them up, got some gas in our van, and headed towards the Fort Wayne Zoo.  Everyone was in good spirits and were anticipating the fun to come.  Our first stop was at the big "ZOO" sign to get the boys picture taken.

We saw penguins (Zak's favorite), Monkeys (Thad's fav), and Alligators (Jake's fav).  The boys got up close and personal with an alligator swimming right in front of the glass.

Our first ride was on the train.  Except for a wiggling Malachi, the kids were enthralled with the train and all that went with it.  Thad saw plenty of "ucks" (ducks) and was very animated while spotting little creatures.  Here is a picture of a very happy Jacob and Grandpa Steury.

And out of everything, Jake wanted to go to the stationary toy train the most where he could ring the bell.  Funny kid.

Zak and Jake both got to feed a giraffe for the first time.  Zak was hesitant, but once he saw Jake do it, he jumped right in.  Fun times.

And of course, we had to stop for a snack and Mama might have gotten her Dippin Dots :D  Expensive snack, but so delish!  

After riding on the safari ride and carousel, and seeing lots of African and Rain Forrest animals, the boys ended the day with a run through the Kid's Tree House.   

Besides Zak running off a few times and some tears here and there, our trip to the zoo was successful and pleasant.  The weather was perfect and memories were made.  God's creation is truly magnificent.  
Thank you, Lord for a glorious day at the Zoo!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A little Encouragement for Moms.

I often feel insignificant staying at home with my kids and not pursuing a career, not having a fancy social life, and never having gone to college (among other things).  But a friend shared this with me and I wish I could imprint these words in my brain and never forget them.  My job, as a Mom, is possibly THE most important job I can have and I pray for God's grace and a Christ-like attitude as I go through the every day grind.  I long to be joyful and inspiring to my kids. 

Had to have a pic of my ornery, sweet boys and I :)

I hope that this can encourage other Moms as well!   

Proverbs 31 Ministry:
Today I can be a woman who remembers I'm raising Christ-followers. That ... THAT is amazing! When I feel unnoticed, unappreciated and completely uninspired in the daily grind as a mom, I'll lift my focus off the laundry baskets, scattered Legos and dolls, and sticky Cheerios under the table ... and look to Jesus. 
 As He leads me, I'll lead my kids with patience, love and perseverance. And remember I'm building His Kingdom by investing in my children. I can take joy in this season because Jesus is More Than Enough to give me hope and delight.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

40 Years of Bliss.

My parents, Wayne and Carla were married on July 6th, 1973.  They have had ups and downs like every married couple, but with God at the center of their marriage- 40 years, 4 Kids, and 11 Grandkids later, my parents are still happily married and going strong!

My siblings and I threw our parents a surprise 40th Wedding Anniversary Party and it was a success!  They were very surprised and genuinely appreciative of our efforts.  They sure deserved it and much more.  

Here are a few pictures from that fun day.  It was great weather and all the kids enjoyed my sister's pool!


Zak, my brother- Sam, and his son- Jack all having a great time swimming!

We all brainstormed and came up with some things about our Mom and Dad using the numbers, 1-40.  We got pretty creative and somewhat mean (they know our insults come from love).  My Mom plans to make an album with these cards, along with some pictures from their upcoming trip to Shipshewana. (A gift from their kids including an over-night stay at a Bed and Breakfast, dinner, a Christian concert, carriage ride,  pastry basket, and breakfast the following day)

They will never know how much we really appreciate them and we could never do enough to show it, but we love y'all so very much!  We have been blessed to have such great, supportive, honest, loving, Christian parents.  Enjoy your weekend in Shipshewana, Mom and Dad!   

Now to plan their 50th...

Pray for Foster Care.

It has been over 8 months sense our foster kids left our care. I haven’t heard from their Mom in 7 months and I don’t expect to. Her promise...