Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baseball Season.

This Summer has been crazy so far.  I had the bright idea of signing Zak up for T-ball and Jake for Minor league.  I was just trying to be a fun Mom!  Little did I know that most of the games would be at the same time at different locations.  Ooohh, and neither one of them want to go to practice or any of the games.  Lesson learned.  From now on, I will be asking them if they want to play baseball.  (I enjoy watching the games, so I am REALLY hoping they find a passion!)  But, I do remind them that they need to finish what they started and to try their best (and they get a snack at the end of the game... that helps too!)

Minor league is a major step up from T-ball, which I am more use to.  They are very serious about the game, they actually take score, and the kids feel the pressure.  Jake has done really well for his first season of Minor league, but last nights game...  it was hot, late, and no one seem motivated.  Especially Jake... he had yet to strike out, until last night.  He struck out twice.  

On our way home from the Geneva Minor League field:

Me:  "Jake, why were you moving so slow?  It's like you were tired and didn't want to be out there."

Jake: "I WAS tired and DIDN'T want to be out there."

Haha.  Well, that makes sense.  I went on to tell him that he needs to try his best whether he likes to play or not and that his teammates are counting on him.  He really does a good job.  I think if he had a little motivation, he could be really well!  

Well, if nothing else, my little ball players look cute in their uniforms :)  

Pray for Foster Care.

It has been over 8 months sense our foster kids left our care. I haven’t heard from their Mom in 7 months and I don’t expect to. Her promise...