Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Our Big Front Porch.

It still does not seem real.  I'm sitting here on our big front porch and I can't help but remember thinking, this day would never come.  Feels like ages ago.  It's amazing to look back and see how God provided when we least expected it.

We tried to sell our starter home with two years of absolutely no bites... not even a nibble.  We'd watch from a distance as the potential buyer would stand in our front yard and talk with the realtor.  "Maybe this will be it!  They were there for 20 minutes... I bet they like it!"  I got my hopes up every time.  Disappointment, after disappointment.  With 3 little boys in the house and another on the way, we knew we needed to find another way to fit into our little white house.

In 2011, we decided to remodel our wet basement.  My talented in-laws reconstructed our basement into a deeper, completely dry, impressive living space providing a living room, laundry room, and spacious bathroom.   By Thanksgiving 2013, we were able to spend the holidays in our gorgeous new basement with our family of 6.  Not sure I could ever repay the willing hands that helped us build that beautiful basement.

Almost 2 years later, I got a text from Tyler... "What would you think about putting our house up for sale again?"  I was a little shocked, but was like, "Heck ya!"  So, that September we put our house back up for sale with cautious hopes.  Months went by with little interest.  We would have showings here and there, but not many.  A few times, we had a showing scheduled only to have it canceled a couple days before the showing time and another time cancelled an hour before showing time.  Frustrating to say the least. It was starting to turn into winter and we knew showings would be few and far between.  When we did have a showing, we would drive around, scoping out the potential buyers and judging on how interested they looked.  I even had a couple neighbors spying for me.  Anxious much?!?  There was one showing in particular that lasted 30 minutes that really had me thinking this was the one.... this is the buyer!  Then, of course, the kitchen was too small, or it wasn't quite what they were looking for.  What a blow.  I was sick of the roller coaster of emotions the whole process caused. We thought about giving up.

One morning as I was driving to one of the houses my friend and I clean on Friday mornings, it just hit me and I cried out with thanksgiving.  I had so much to be thankful for!   I had cleaning jobs that God provided.  Not only had He always provided houses to clean, but He gave me a dear friend to clean them with.  My kids are healthy.  I have a great husband.  We lead music together... that's super cool.  Who cares how big my house is?!?  It works for us and I'm thankful for it.  There are more important things than a house!  I no longer was concerned about selling our house.  At that moment, I handed it over to God.   How freeing!

That next Tuesday, we got a call for a showing.  I did my usual cleaning and staging to make it look most appealing.  Normal routine, only this time, I would not be spying.  I didn't even care to contact our realtor to find out what they thought.  It was different this time.  I had faith in God, that He would take care of it and I would be ok, whatever the outcome.  That same night, we got an email from our realtor.  They liked it and wanted to see it again on Sunday, but this time, they wanted a whole hour!

So, we gave them a full hour on Sunday and that very same day, we got an offer.  What?!?  Is this really happening?  I literally thought this day would NEVER come.  Now it wasn't exactly smooth sailing.  We got a low offer and countered.  They met us in the middle and we excepted.  Seems simple enough, but then inspection happened.  We had some minor things to fix, but our fear was then reality.  We needed to put on a new roof.  Ouch.  That was our next hurdle.  Even during this frustrating process, God was in it, working out the details.  We finally came to an agreement and things were moving forward.  Hallelujah.
The house on Dearborn... We had our eye on it for years.  4-5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, screened in porch, large laundry room, dining room, big kitchen, fireplace, and best of all... a wrap around front porch.  Tyler once said, "There is just something about that house.  If it ever goes up for sale again, I want that house."  Well, it was for sale again and it had been sitting there for quite a while...  I know it was waiting for us.  It needed lots of updates and love, but I was super excited to make it our own.  I just knew it was our house... I could just feel it.  After putting an offer down on the Dearborn house, them countering and us coming back with our final offer, we decided to look at another house by the park that also had 4 bedrooms and 2 bath.  Plan B.  It was a cute house with updates inside.  This house did not need any work and was ready to move into as is.  I tried to want it, really I did.  I walked through it seeing all the positives, but I couldn't stop thinking about the house on Dearborn.  Tyler was alittle apprehensive, but we both decided that we wanted the Dearborn house, but what we offered was our final offer, and we just had to sit and wait for God to open or close the door.

Welp, the door flew wide open!  They excepted our offer and the rest is history.  I love our house and it quickly became a home.  I want to remember this story.  To me, it shows how God moves when we finally surrender our control and fully trust in him.  When I finally realized that what I had was enough, He gave me the desire of my heart.  It also makes me feel like I am valued and special to Him.  He cares about the little things in my life.  He cares enough to orchestrate this detailed plan to give us a bigger home to raise our family in.  So minuscule in the grand scheme of things, but yet He cares.

I'm sitting here on our big front porch, thanking God for His provision, forgiveness, and the love He has for His children.

"Incredible Hulk" likes our porch, too!  ;)


Pray for Foster Care.

It has been over 8 months sense our foster kids left our care. I haven’t heard from their Mom in 7 months and I don’t expect to. Her promise...